
What is CliftonStrengths?

Uncovers your unique combination of 34 CliftonStrengths themes
• Top 5 Signature Strengths Report
• Full 34 Enhanced Strengths Profile

CliftonStrengths is an online assessment that helps you discover what you naturally do best, where most of your potential sits and what makes you extraordinary.

A Revolutionary Departure

The result of more than five decades of study by educational psychologist Dr Don Clifton to answer the question: “What would happen if we studied what was right with people, versus what’s wrong with people?”

Clifton had a research partner, Dr William Hall, Chair of the University of Nebraska Department of Psychology, who played an integral role in the development of CliftonStrengths.

Together they deviated from the norm of the time of diagnosing and treating people’s problems. They leveraged positive psychology to focus on human potentiality. It was a revolutionary departure from the norm.

They examined students who related well to people and found that they all had a common denominator which was that they had people in their lives (difference makers) who identified their strengths and provided them with the opportunities to develop those strengths.

Next, they paired outstanding college students (counsellors) with outstanding high school students (counselees). This research led them to identify “life themes” which later translated into “strength themes”.

These themes form the basis of the well-known Gallup Psychological Assessment, CliftonStrengths and has been completed by nearly 25 million people.

More than 90% of Fortune 500 Companies have used the CliftonStrengths assessment to develop their workplace culture.

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The 34

Grouped in four domains of strength.

CliftonStrengths creates a connection between strengths-based development and business performance outcomes and has a positive effect on employee engagement, well-being and performance, as well as success.

“CliftonStrengths was designed specifically to help people develop their dominant talents into practical strengths.”

The 34 themes of CliftonStrengths can be overwhelming for the individual who completed the online assessment. A coach is of great value in assisting with the assimilation of the information, although CliftonStrengths online assessment can be done without a coach. However, people reported meaningful improvements in their lives as a result of the feedback they receive.

CliftonStrengths help you find who you are but also reveal who you are not. This enables you to develop your top talents and to manage around supportive talents, lesser talents and weaknesses.

Once the CliftonStrengths evaluation identified a person’s strengths, the individual can be provided with resources or given advanced coaching and training.

Research done in 22 studies in 23 organisations including 115 000 individuals, showed that employees who received feedback on all 34 Clifton talent themes, improved more than people who only received feedback on their 5 top talent themes. These findings indicate the value of a comprehensive application of CliftonStrengths on employees.

The research reinforced previous evidence that interventions such as CliftonStrengths can be used effectively across different types of organisations and that this investment in employee development provides material benefits to an organisation.

It also showed that more comprehensive CliftonStrengths feedback likely result in significant benefits for the organisation.


A New Era for Performance Management

In other research done in 2007, only two out of 10 employees agreed strongly that their performance was managed in a way that motivated them.

Employees cannot be managed effectively as a group. Modern performance management requires individualizing performance to each person. Strengths-based management enables a manager to match key job requirements to each individual employee. It also leads to performance conversations becoming opportunities for constructive employee development and ultimately a more satisfactory experience for both manager and employee.

CliftonStrengths utilizes the fact that employees have more potential to grow in areas in which they are talented than in areas in which they are less talented.

A coach or manager focusing on an employee’s strengths reduces stress, builds hope and appreciation and enhances constructive relationships. Constructive relationships enable managers and coaches to communicate with employees about lesser talents. It opens communication channels and makes difficult conversations possible because of the trust it creates.

Make the switch from outdated Performance Management to a more effective Performance Development process.

The Impact of CliftonStrengths on Performance

In an analysis of 34 research studies across 30 organisations in 13 industries, 37 countries and 187 000 individuals, data on sales, employee engagement, customer engagement, turnover, performance ratings and safety indicated that:
• strength-based employee development can be applied with success in a variety of situations
• practitioners have a substantially greater likelihood of success apply feedback given on all 34 CliftonStrengths themes.

There is a clear benefit of engaged employees in engagement and bottom-line profitability. But, most employees are not engaged.

Four levels of employee performance development needs:

•Basic needs – what is expected of me?
•Individual needs – unable to do what I do best.
•Teamwork needs – affiliation with team members.
•Personal growth needs – learn and grow.

The first three levels create an environment of trust and support, that enable managers and employees to get the most advantage from the fourth level.

The end goal is better performance.

CliftonStrengths helps increase productivity, manage conflict effectively, create trust and unity in your workforce, and sustain true profitability.